E=M…. something or other….

untitledI’ve always been fascinated by science, so it’s a crying shame that I’m too dim to understand how it works beyond a really basic level.  I read ‘layman’ books about science and I watch those TV programmes full of pretty pictures (or equally pretty professors… *cough…. AMAZING*…) that real scientists point at and laugh, and that’s about as far as my understanding will stretch.  My book, Runners, has a little bit of science fiction weaved into it which is integral to the plot, though, and I enjoyed the research I had to do for that, so when Runners was released and people began to comment on that aspect of the story, it got me thinking about the way science is used in fiction, not just in a sci-fi way, but in a more general way. Things that get me thinking generally lead to a blog feature, so I put a shout out on Twitter to see if any of my lovely and super-clever writer friends had any ideas on the subject.  Today I’m happy to announce that this coming week my blog will be dedicated to the musings of four such people.  The lovely thing about all these posts is that they each cover very different areas: Jack Croxall will be talking about parallel universe theories, Rebecca Bradley will be discussing the computer age and mobile technology, Dan Thompson will provide a fascinating insight into the psychology of phobias and Eleanor Reynolds will give us her views on the evolution of the horror genre including a look at Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.  I also have a blog tour scheduled to stop next week, so Thursday will see Clare Davidson talk about her new book Reaper’s Rhythm.

It looks as though it’s going to be a packed one, so I hope to see you around!

Rayne Hall talks about Storm Dancer

I’m pleased to welcome fellow author, Rayne Hall, on to the blog today to tease her novel, Storm Dancer.  This book has had great reviews on Amazon and the artwork is gorgeous.   It’s one of a fabulous list of books that you can win in the Indie Giveaway (see below for the link).

Over to Rayne…


Dahoud face vertical cropped Paul-Erica

Dahoud is a warrior, brave, honourable and kind. He loves horses, wrestling, music and dance, and he seeks a strong woman to cherish and respect for the rest of his life.

But he harbours a dark secret: demonic possession.

The djinn inside him urges Dahoud to hurt women and to subdue them with force.

Dahoud fights these evil desires with all his strength. But he has succumbed to them before, and it is only a matter of time before the djinn strikes again.

What woman is strong enough to partner Dahoud and face the danger of the djinn?

Storm Dancer is a dark-epic fantasy novel.  It deals with dark issues and may not be suitable for young readers.


Dahoud. Art by Paul Davies and Erica Syverson, copyright Rayne Hall             STORM DANCER cover reduced 300 pixels

You can follow on Twitter @RayneHall or check out the Goodreads page

If you’d like to purchase from the Amazon store, click here…

Find Rayne and other awesome indies in the great indie giveaway here…





The Puppet Spell author, Emma Adams, chats about singing Disney and writing YA

As promised, the second of my guests, the lovely Emma Adams, writes about what started her on the road to writing and why she loves YA.  The floor’s yours, Emma…


I was a strange child. I never wanted to talk with the other kids. I had a couple of close friends, and we spent most inventing bizarre games with complicated rules no one else could understand. Really, it was inevitable that I’d go on to write fiction.

When I was ten, I was writing for people my own age. And they liked it. I loved being picked to read out my writing. Then secondary school happened. Suddenly, writing for fun was no longer an option. I found it hard to fit in, and people thought I was odd because I preferred to sit in a corner with a book rather than go outside. All everyone else seemed to want to do was to grow up as quickly as possible. But I wanted to be a writer.

My teachers insisted I needed to think of a ‘real’ career. Books were my only escape, and even as I struggled awkwardly through adolescence, I knew I never really wanted to grow up. And that’s why I continue to write books for children and young adults. I want to live in that world where endless possibility exists, and hasn’t been stamped out by the Real World. I want to fight against the imperative to ‘grow up’, because it isn’t something that necessarily means being happier. University has been the best time of my life, and I think that’s because it’s like an extended childhood. Where else do you find yourself singing Disney songs at the pizza take-out at four in the morning?

I think that’s why I chose a university setting for my next book series – a young adult/new adult supernatural fantasy series. Writing for teens gives more scope to explore those essential life decisions and at twenty-one, I’m still going through the same thing myself! As a young adult you’re discovering who you are and what you want to do, and there are endless possibilities. Above all it’s about exploring boundaries, whatever the genre – between human and non-human, real and unreal, life and death. YA voices aren’t jaded by experience, and I think that’s one of the reasons it appeals even to adults. I want to read and write books that excite me, because I want to be excited by life. That’s what YA fiction gives us, and that’s why it’s here to stay!

Puppet Spell Cover

About the Author:

Emma Adams is 21-year-old author of THE PUPPET SPELL, a quirky YA fantasy published by Rowanvale Books. She is currently studying English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University whilst writing the sequel and also working on the creepy paranormal Darkworld series. Check out her fab blog about her writing journey, where she posts weekly updates and writing tips, and also regular book reviews and features.