Broken Bargain pre-release tour – featured author Deb Howell

tour_bannerAs part of a pre-release book tour organised by the lovely Clare Davidson for her new book Broken Bargain (book two of the Reaper’s Rhythm series) today I’m delighted to welcome Deb Howell to the blog. Sounds confusing? Clare thought that a bunch of us all talking about each other was far more interesting than Clare herself just appearing on lots of blogs talking about herself. But, of course, there is a chance to find out about Clare’s books too if you head over to her website, and also a chance to enter the Broken Bargain Rafflecopter giveaway

..  Deb E Howell is the author of Healer’s Touch, a very cool fantasy Western steampunk novel which is available on Amazon. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of my diabolical author interrogations, so I’m looking forward to this… *cracks knuckles* over to Deb!

Eep. Now I’m a little bit worried… just a little bit… [keeps one eye looking over shoulder]

Which of your characters is most like you?

Unfortunately, more often than not, Llew, I think. Unfortunately? Yeah. I think she’s my pessimistic side, so that can get a little unfun. I much prefer my Anya-esque side… (bubbly, optimistic, shiny-shiny happy world).

If you could be friends in real life with any of your characters, who would it be and why?

Another hard one. Probably Jonas because if he would accept me as a friend then I know he’d be a friend for life.

Have you ever written a character that you’ve disliked so much you’ve scrapped them from a work?

Not so far. I’m reluctantly scrapping one/combining a favourite with another, but I haven’t disliked anyone that much. I mean, of course I dislike my antagonists, but I try to write them sympathetically, so I guess I hold a slight soft-spot for them… well, Braph, anyway. He’s despicable, and yet…

Which of your characters would frighten you if you met them in real life?

Braph, definitely. He’s so smart, and understands the human condition, so he knows how to manipulate to achieve what he wants. Knowing what I know, I’d be wary of anything he did. If I didn’t know what I know… I’d probably be screwed.

Describe your latest book in one word.


Describe yourself in 5 words.



Writer (of course).



Do you ever consult friends when you’re stuck with a plot?

Oh my gosh, yes… if I can. The problem I have is that most of my friends aren’t writers and they don’t want to hear about my story until it is complete. The writer friends I know are all busy writing their own tales, so it’s challenging finding someone willing and with the time to help… Usually I have to muddle through until I have something ready for beta-readers. I understand. It’s difficult reading something that’s still in the moulding phase. But, sometimes these tales can get crazy complicated and it helps immensely to be able to chat it out with someone.

What’s your personal kryptonite?

Sleep, or lack thereof.

If you could converse, a la Dr Dolittle, with one type of animal, which would it be and why?

Duh! Horses, of course! I’m a horsey-type from way back…

Tea or coffee?


Describe a typical writing day – where does it fit for you? Are you an owl or a lark? Do you write in short bursts or intense sessions?  Do you write quickly and edit to death afterwards or write with more care in the first place?

As a mum of a three year old, my writing fits around my family. Because I go to bed too late, I can’t do those early mornings like I probably should… And so, I enforce afternoon sleeps for my son. It’s not perfect, writing with the after-lunch brain, but it’s time, and it’s a good 1.5-2hrs, usually. Then I write again most evenings, after the child is in bed. While the husband plays with his band or his hockey team, I’m writin’…

Which genre are you most comfortable writing? Is there any genre you haven’t yet written that you’d like to try?  What’s your favourite age group to write for?

For long fiction, I enjoy fantasy. I love the scope of the genre. Also, because you’re not setting the story in any particular place, and you can use all sort of new races and species, you’re that much more open to explore…. people. Strip away all the reality and you’re left with the core.

For short fiction, I struggle to establish a fantasy world, so I have tended to dabble in romance, contemporary (black humour), and mild erotica. Just for fun.

Can you tell us a little about your next project?

I’m working on the follow-up to my debut, HEALER’S TOUCH, which I’m planning on calling WARRIOR’S TOUCH. Sounds like I’m writing erotica right there, doesn’t it? I’m not, although I think there may be a Healer’s Touch out there that does lean more towards romance/erotica, if that’s your cup of tea (or coffee, or hot choc).

For me, HT was an ironic title, because my Healer (Llew) also kills with her touch. In fact, to heal one thing (or person), she must hurt something (one) else.

A warrior’s touch is also pretty deadly, but this time around it probably is more of a romantic touch… when I let them get there.

While HT introduced us to Llew and her power and her new friends and romantic interest (Jonas), WT switches focus to Jonas as he learns that the world isn’t as he has been led to believe. And all the while the world is in peril…


You can catch up with Deb at the following places: DebE_Pub





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